Year in Review 2012

 A look at the many different things that happened in 2012.

After such a great success with an article I wrote back in 2008 called 'How To Refresh Your Computers Memory', which is still continuing to gain popularity, this year I wrote another piece on PC health called 'How to Prevent Your Desktop PC From Over Heating'. Though it didn't fare as well as the other one, it has still attracted the attention of those with computer problems. To find out more follow the link below:
The beginning of the year was a great time for making home-made movie trailers especially as it was the coldest time of the year and the theme of the moment was sci-fi orientated. I filmed segments of things and places and put them together in one trailer and added music to the mix. It was later put on YouTube for all to see. The article eplains in a few details how to construct a movie trailer without too much effort. For more info visit the link below:

Earlier this year, movie director, James Cameron, who created Avatar, was said to be making plans for a sequel to the hit movie. This Article highlights ideas that may become a part of the finished version. Next year will highlight more info of what we are expected to see from the sequel. For more info, visit the link below:

In 2012, we took a step back in to the past when the Sega Mega Drive became the latest gaming maching in the 90's. Here we talked about the console, the games, the magazines and the many different joypads that were available for an extreme gaming experience. For more info, please visit the link below:
The Commodore 64 became another talking point of interest as being one of the first 2bit gaming machine of the 80.s. For more info, please visit the link below:
We also looked at the excitement of baking in the kitchen. From cookies to delicious cream cakes. Why not try this at home or to get ideas for you creation, please visit the link below:

In this article , we looked at how London seems to avoid all sorts of natural disasters and wonder if there is something epic laying in wait for this untouchable city. Here you will find some of the most craziest and sometimes mind-boggling ideas along with some intereting pictures of what could happen in London. To view this fantastic article, please visit the link below:

This next section features some free downloadable wallpapers I created they are presently sized for Desktop pc's, iPhones and Samsung smart phones. You can choose your style, type and genre of wallpaper backgrounds that best suits your taste. To save them to your device or pc, please visit the links below:

The London Olympics was one of the most memorable moments in British history as many records were broken and a number of winners were from the host nation. Find out how the of London capital celebrated its winners, competitors and volunteer who helped to make it happen. Please visit the link below:

Just to top off the year in review, this is a close up picture of the tallest building in London - The Shard. This towering building is not only complete, but now open to the public... well, for a price, of course.